This semester I implemented a few new classroom management/encouragement techniques that have worked in my class well!
The first is my RESPECT sign. When I talk about classroom rules, I tell my students that I believe all of the class rules can be summed up into one word- RESPECT (for your peers, teachers, their belongings, and most importantly yourself). The respect sign is a way of monitoring their progress and rewarding them for good behavior.
We start the beginning of the month with the entire word up on the board. If they do things like, are disruptive in class, disrespectful to a substitute or leave the classroom a disaster they lose a letter. They can also earn letters back by doing things like working together well, or doing a great job of cleaning up after a lab.
At the end of the month, if they still have all of their letters they can vote on a class reward.
Here are a few examples of the rewards they can choose from!
The respect signs have now spread among the school, many teachers use them on a weekly basis instead of monthly!