Since volleyball season has recently ended, I finally have time to get my life back into order and organize my classroom! Over the next few weeks I will be posting about some of the quick and easy organizing overhauls that I have done! Most of them were simple fixes, but have made my life drastically easier!

The first task I decided to tackle was creating a teacher binder! I have seen them all over Pintrest, so I decided to create my own.

My priority was to create my binder something that I would actually use

I used to have many different binders for grades, standards and everything else that went in my binder. I wanted to simplify it, so I put only things that I use on a regular basis in my binder. I knew if it got too big it wouldn’t get used. I also know that the more visually appealing it was, the more likely I would use it, because it is so much more fun!

To download your own fun and FREE teacher binder cover visit my Teachers Pay Teachers page!  Teacher Binder Covers

The inside of my binder is also fun to look at, especially because it is neat and organized! I added sticky notes on the front cover so I will always have some!

 I created To Do lists pages that I keep in the front of my binder so I can always keep track of the things I need to do! I have them organized for different topics.

 If you want the editable version of the Teacher Binder covers you can also find them on my TpT site!

I used these note tabs as my dividers so I could easily change them out- if you have never used these they are AWESOME! They come in a multitude of colors and allow you to see through them so that you can read the text beneath! 
Note: I’m not sponsored by Avery in any way! I just love these tabs!

Here are some of the tabs that I have in my binder:

I have a school calendar where I track all things school! I also use the calendar as a weekly organization tool to figure out topics for the week and major upcoming events! You can download the calendar pages for FREE on my TpT page! Monthly School Calendar Download

These lesson plan pages help me keep track of what I am doing each week. I have my entire semester planned out on the first day of school and can use my lesson plan pages as a quick guide!

It is much easier to have meeting notes in the same spot for quick reference. I put all of the handouts and additional papers from staff meetings in a separate file, but I can use this as a space to jot down all of the information that really matters to me!

I also have pages for my homeroom, my chemistry standards and some MSL information!

I am really happy how my binder turned out, and since I enjoy looking at it, it is easier to keep clean! Hopefully this gives you a little inspiration of your own and enjoy the free downloads!!
{UPDATE 2/2016: I still use this binder all the time- it has simplified my teacher life sooo much! Yay for being organized}