It was a crazy few weeks coming back from winter break and then giving a final push before first semesters final exams! But the grades are in and my students did very well overall 🙂 Happy teacher!

Now that things have settled down at school, I’ve gotten a chance to try a bunch of fun projects! I can’t wait to implement them in the new semester!

The first project is a Homework Dice that was inspired by Sarah Wagner at MClassy- you can view her post here!

You roll the dice to determine how you are going to grade homework or other assignments. Since you don’t roll until the day the homework is due, the students always have to keep attempting their homework!

Rather than trying to create my own cube out of cardboard, I just used an old gift box and filled it with some shredded paper to give it some support.

Then I measured the cube (mine is a 3″ cube) and used the dimensions to create my sides in Word. I decided to make two sides for Teacher choice and completion, because it increases the odds of landing on those sides. I also have a Student Choice and Accuracy.

After I cut out the squares I hot-glued and taped them to my box using glitter duck tape. I also covered it in packing tape to protect it from spills.

The finished product 🙂 I think it turned out neat!

 PS- If you haven’t yet discovered glitter tape! I have found my new addiction! I’ve know for a while that you can buy glitter wallpaper boarder at walmart in the home improvement section. (It comes in pink and gold and is about $4 a roll). But I also learned that Duct Tape came out with a glitter brand that comes in multiple colors as well! So exciting!

I’ve started glittering EVERYTHING!

Thanks for reading and I hope you feel inspired!